Professional ERP management software

Professional ERP management software

Connect with
your patients

Free up value-added time for your
patients with web and mobile
appointment scheduling.


Treat yourself to a tool that meets the highest
management standards in the healthcare
industry, thanks to professional notes. 


Transmit your prescriptions electronically
with the functionality integrating drug
prescribing and a pharmacological advisor.


Track your clinic's operations in real-time with
management tools such as the Kanban
console and statistical reports.


Project the image you want to present
by controlling and developing your web

Discover CTRL/Web


Quickly share information and documents
with your patients and referring professionals.

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Discover CTRL's best-kept secret: CTRL/Smigg

The key to your success is to be able to rely on a computerized management platform that sticks to your vision and your way of doing things. Discover how CTRL's application platform makes all the difference, thanks to exceptional and unique parameterization flexibility.

Discover CTRL's best-kept secret: CTRL/Smigg

The key to your success is to be able to rely on a computerized management platform that sticks to your vision and your way of doing things. Discover how CTRL's application platform makes all the difference, thanks to exceptional and unique parameterization flexibility.

Discover the CTRL/File Employee Web portal

Would you like to set up a collaborative, high-performance communications platform for all your employees?

Look no further! CTRL/File's Employee Web Portal is specifically designed for this purpose, providing each of your employees with the functionalities essential to their day-to-day management, whether they're working in the office, at home or on the road.

Discover the CTRL/File Employee Web portal

Would you like to set up a collaborative, high-performance communications platform for all your employees?

Look no further! CTRL/File's Employee Web Portal is specifically designed for this purpose, providing each of your employees with the functionalities essential to their day-to-day management, whether they're working in the office, at home or on the road.


The CTRL approach integrates web appointment booking into your periodic follow-up process. When a patient books a time slot, it is dynamically added to your clinic's current calendar.


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The CTRL approach integrates web appointment booking into your periodic follow-up process. When a patient books a time slot, it is dynamically added to your clinic's current calendar.


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Complete your paperless management with a CTRL management tool that maximizes the quality of care offered while optimizing your clinic's financial and human resources.


Complete your paperless management with a CTRL management tool that maximizes the quality of care offered while optimizing your clinic's financial and human resources.

The Integrated ERP Management Software You Need
to efficiently Manage Your Healthcare Clinic


CTRL/Clinic is a complete EMR specifically dedicated to healthcare management. The software takes care of managing your patient bank, reconciling your examinations, preparing your prescriptions and treatment plans, billing, scheduling appointments and integrating your preferred medical imaging software. It's all there!

Manage precisely profiled patient records for efficient web-based appointment scheduling and optimally delivered healthcare services.

Switch to "paperless" management with simple, flexible reconciliation of your professional notes and integrated digital document management that centralizes all patient information in its individual digital file.

Deployable in a simple context, the software supports the centralized management of multiple branches, groups of clinics or banners operating in a context of complex schedule management is also a management reality within the reach of the professional manager.

Thanks to the exceptional capabilities of its application platform, CTRL/Clinic quickly becomes the cornerstone of your ERP solution if you're looking for a management solution that goes beyond simple billing. Need integrated accounting or inventory management? CTRL/Finance and CTRL/Product can quickly be brought together to answer the call!

Medical management

Master those accumulating mountains of paper once and for all, and quickly find the information you need whenever you need it.

Patient web portal

Get closer to your patients and offer them a value-added service platform. CTRL/Clinic's Web Patient Portal allows each of your patients to consult key information on their file, such as upcoming appointments, reminders, balance due, etc.

Banners, group and branches

Are you looking for healthcare management software that lets you manage a group of clinics or branches in a fully centralized way, but with the refinement of customization required for each of your clinics? Look no further!

Effective communication

One of the key components contributing to the recommendation of your services and the loyalty of your patients is certainly the efficiency and quality of your communications with your clientele.

Efficient scheduling

The CTRL/Clinic planner is designed to become the control center of your daily activities, providing instant access to all patient information and possible actions directly from the appointment.

Treatment plan

In the medical world, the well-known "Examination - Diagnosis - Treatment Plan" process has to be perfectly supported when the patient has to give informed consent for further treatment. CTRL/Clinic knows how to make this precision work!

Simple billing

CTRL/Clinic offers a billing assistant that envelops the user in a simple, efficient process. Activated directly from a patient's appointment, billing can be accelerated using treatment plans or packages to initialize the procedure as required.

Imaging software

For a multitude of specialized imaging software packages, CTRL/Clinic enables you to set up a transparent, direct technical access bridge to your specialty's imaging software.

Work environment

CTRL/Clinic leverages the powerful CTRL/Smigg application platform, which provides advanced work environment configuration features per user to optimize their productivity within their role and tasks.

Sterilization management

CTRL/Clinic offers a sterilization management module that enables you to implement rigorous traceability tracking for medical instruments used in the treatment of your patients.

Medical imaging

CTRL/Clinic comes with over 20 technology bridges for activating medical imaging software (X-ray, scan, etc.) from a patient record. Depending on the capabilities and specifications of each imaging software used, CTRL/Clinic can also create the patient record within the imaging software to speed up your digital management.



A concept unique to CTRL ERP management solutions
management solutions, taking your organization to the next level of operational productivity.

A suite of standard management software with unrivalled parameterization flexibility
to suit your business context and keep pace with your company's projects.



Frequently Asked Questions


Whether it is to find a precise answer or general information, our Frequently Asked Questions provide an effective mean to understand in greater depth the operational management of your CTRL solution in order to maximize the benefits for your organization!

Check it out now!Hardware Specifications

Evaluate your financial benefits with CTRL/Clinic


Evaluate your financial benefits with CTRL/Clinic



Indicate your personalized data for each parameter

*Number of clinic professionals: 
*Number of active patients by professional:  
*Hours per week by professional production:  
*Number of days worked per week per professional:  
*Average percentage of occupancy of hours available: % 
*Average number of appointments per week per professional: mins (average)
*Average number of canceled appointments or moved per week for each professional: %
*Number of employees in the clinic excluding professionals: 
*Average hourly cost of an employee: $ 
*Average hourly rate billing professional: $ 

More parameters Less parameters

*Number of weeks worked per year per professional: semaines 
*Number of research and information transfer for a patient by professional during a day: 
*Seek time and transfer information for a patient: min(s) 
*Number of reminders per patient actives for a year: reminders
*Time required to manage a recall: min(s) 
*Time required for the confirmation of an appointment: min(s) transactions

Summary of annual administrative time devoted to patient management

*Billable time lost due to a cancellation or an appointment moved is: h 
*The time you allocate to the management of reminders for the per clinical years is: h 
*The time you allocate to the confirmation of appointments per year to your practice is: h 
*The time you allocate to research and information transfer patient per year is: h 
*Total: h weeks

Increased productivity and income through the use of CTRL/Clinic

*Proportion of administrative time recovered: % h
*Proportion collected and billed of the timeframe released by the cancellation or moving of the appointment: % h
*Increase in the occupation of the currently unoccupied slot: % h
*Total:  h

Find out how CTRL/Clinic can help you save!

Your financial benefits with CTRL/Clinic

Your annual cost savings potential: $
Additional potential annual revenues: $
 For the first three yearsThereafter
*For an investment per user equivalent to: $ / month $ / month
  $ / year $ / year

And remember that the financial benefits are not the only benefits to you.

Through more effective communication, CTRL/Clinic will get you closer to your patients. They will be even more happy and you too!


*The fee may vary slightly from the results of the simulation depending on the software configuration chosen by the client.

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