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the erp management solution
for your specific industry


Mastering the vocabulary and best business practices of a specialized sector
are key to the success of your computerization project.

Specialization cannot be improvised, and CTRL's specialized solutions are the result of many years
of experience in the field, combined with a deployment methodology proven by specialists.

CTRL's specialized solutions cover the practice areas of project management and healthcare management.
While seemingly very different, the link between these two fields is tight, as both involve the management of professional services,
with a strong focus on managing the time and materials involved in delivering services to a third party.

From these two areas of practice and expertise derive vertical ERP management solutions dedicated to specialized industries.
Experience has shown that, over time, the cutting-edge expertise accumulated in each area benefits all vertical industry solutions.


Drawing on its areas of expertise, CTRL offers you a portfolio of specialized management solutions incorporating the characteristics and specifics of vertical industries.

In the “ERP Solutions” menu, select the industry in which you operate to learn more about the features of the CTRL solution:

  • Professional Services : Project and mandate management focused on time analysis, efficient invoicing of customized professional services, and profitability analysis by type of service (activity-based costing).
  • Construction : Project management integrating all considerations surrounding subcontracting, site management, CCQ payroll and profitability analysis of your projects from all essential monitoring angles in the sector.
  • Healthcare clinics : A complete EMR (Electronic Medical Record) enhanced by an ERP deployment including advanced financial and inventory management components. Unique healthcare management solutions for banner and multi-branch environments, with Web and telephone appointment scheduling.

CTRL's industry-specific solutions share
a set of high-level functional features thanks to the
thanks to the CTRL/Smigg application platform:

  • The ability to set up a complete digital document management system (“paperless”) to increase accessibility to information and accelerate your digital shift.
  • Advanced access management and functional and information security to guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Access to detailed traceability of information (Who, When, What, Where) for internal continuous improvement or legal reference as required.
  • A flexible, customized report generator to meet your own information analysis needs.
  • The ability to integrate your Web site and internal management via Web forms designed with CTRL/Web. A potential communication lever for your customers, employees or suppliers.
  • Interconnection possibilities with complementary external applications via an “API” guaranteeing the integrity of information shared with CTRL's external environment.
  • Guaranteed global information integrity;
  • The power of a customized solution at the price and with the stability of standard software;
  • Extremely competitive pricing thanks to a “user-pays” structure and flexible payment terms;
  • Solutions that can be deployed in “Local” or “Hosted” (Cloud) mode.
  • Centralized, fully bilingual solutions. Each user works in the language of his or her choice.

our clientele is our pride and most valuable asset.


more than 1,000 clients have trusted ctrl
and more than 8,000 users activate daily on our ctrl software

why use erp software for your buisiness?

Logiciels ERP

to optimize your management and your operations.


a ctrl suite of software is integrated at all levels.

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