

Take control

Functional Characteristics


Multi-version and multi-warehouse item management

  • Item codes of up to 30 characters, with version management extension possible with additional coding of up to 15 characters. Applicable segment lengths can be customized via system parameters. Version management is not mandatory.
  • English and French item descriptions of up to 120 characters in the "Item" file and up to 120 characters in the "Version" file. Possibility of generating a combined description in the presence of version and warehouse management when inserting an item into a document.
  • Classification of items according to four natures: Raw material, Finished product, Semi-finished product (assembled) and Other. These four natures modulate the behavior of certain software options available from the "Item" file. For example, the "Material list" option is only available for finished and semi-finished products.
  • Each item can be associated with an item category. The list of available categories is customizable and unlimited. In addition to being used for statistical and analysis purposes, item categories are frequently used to manage the specific taxation of particular products.
  • Each item can be assigned a physical location (BIN) for rapid retrieval from the warehouse. This physical location is also used by the physical inventory function to structure the approach on the floor.
  • Complete, transparent multi-warehouse management including, among other things: definition of an unlimited number of warehouses using a distinctive coding system of up to 6 characters. The same item can be associated with a different "BIN" code per warehouse, as required. Each warehouse can therefore be subdivided into several physical locations. Warehouse transfer functionality supports rapid management of item transfers, e.g. from a central warehouse to distribution branches, each branch being a warehouse in itself.
  • Serial number management can be activated by item if required. The rigor of this functionality, combined with the transactional precision of the software, enables precise traceability of finished products. For example, you can find out which product was delivered to which customer on which date and at which location. When integrated with CTRL/Clinic in a healthcare context, this precision inventory management supports and integrates the medical notion of "DIN", so as to be able to quickly find and list which patients have potentially consumed a specific batch of a given drug.
  • A basic reference selling price can be defined for each item, along with the applicable currency. However, the presence of a price configurator makes it possible to modulate the final price according to a wide variety of contexts. This advanced configurator can operate by item specifically, or according to customized combinations of several dimensions: customer, supplier, item category, warehouse, territory, catalog, day of the week, application period, amount and quantity intervals (volume transacted), and so on. Virtually unlimited adaptability while operating within a rigorous standardized and automated framework.
  • Each item has an inventory unit, a sales unit and a basic purchase unit proposed according to the nature of the operation and transaction. Multi-unit management is complemented by dynamic conversion between the units involved in a transaction. For example, you store and manage by the dozen (DOZ), but you buy in pallets (PAL) of four dozen, so on receipt of the pallet, the software applies the conversion and adds four dozen to stock.
  • Definition of purchasing characteristics by supplier per item. No limit on the number of suppliers per product. This option enables you to manage coding equivalents between a product's internal coding and its external equivalents, reciprocal to each of the possible suppliers. These equivalents are directly exploited when creating purchase orders, in order to use the specific coding of the selected supplier. In the case of different suppliers for the same product, a "Priority" field identifies the supplier to be used first. The functionality also includes a link to the manufacturer's part numbers.
  • Definition of an economic purchasing quantity (raw materials) or manufacturing quantity (finished and semi-finished products) per item. This information is retrieved by the buyer or production manager to establish the optimum purchasing or manufacturing quantity in terms of amortization of costs, e.g., transport or those associated with the complexity of the manufacturing process ("Setup / Release Time").
  • The last cost and the average cost of an item, as well as their respective associated currencies, are managed in real time and can be consulted in the "Item" file at any time. The last cost information, which is linked to the item's last purchase or production, is completed with the date on which the information was updated.
  • Each item has a status of activity, i.e. use of the various documents managed. The software comes with the standard statuses "Active", "Pending" and "Inactive" (archived). However, this list is fully customizable and unlimited. For example, the "Inactive" status will frequently be used in the presence of an obsolete or discontinued item. With CTRL/Smigg information security, it is possible to configure each user's work environment to give them access only to those statuses to which they need access for their job.
  • The "Reference" tab of the "Item", "Version" and "Warehouse" files offers 15 additional reference fields for managing customized information, which can be used to manage special needs. The wording associated with each "Reference" field can be customized according to the company's needs, using CTRL/Smigg.
  • Each "Item" record offers a "Comment" field, enabling 99 pages of text (8.5 x 11) to be documented, with CTRL/Smigg's standard RTF editor available. CTRL's application platform also enables the insertion of timestamps for rigorous tracking of each item annotation.
  • Real-time consultation of quantities in stock, on order (purchase), minimum quantity, reserved quantity (sales/manufacturing) and net quantity available directly in the "Item" file.
  • Inventory value and cost of goods sold managed according to the "Average Cost" approach. The latter is constantly adjusted according to all transactions carried out daily on an item. The interactive adjustment of the average cost of items is entirely controlled by the transaction code, and can be activated or deactivated according to the nature of the transaction via configuration parameters. Flexible management is possible, as explained in the section "Open transaction and document architecture".
  • Management of multi-level material lists for "Finished product" and "Semi-finished" items.
  • Physical inventory-taking function with working interface for use with wireless mobile barcode scanners. The utility features an intelligent validation approach to detect location anomalies, enabling staff to adjust the location of items as required during stocktaking. The system detects, for example, redundant entry of an item, or the presence of the same product in two different locations. So you can double the efficiency of your efforts on the floor.
  • Transactional history, global or by item, allowing you to analyze all transactions carried out on the item according to various criteria, including by exploiting the CTRL/Smigg "Filter" function. It's quick and easy to find the owner of a specific item, for example, with just the serial number in hand.
  • Item/Version file import utility. This function can be used, for example, to import a supplier's product catalog on CD.
  • Transaction import utility from an external system, with integrity validation and exception/error reporting. For example, a weighing system.
  • Numerical and alphabetical list of items offering interactive drilling ("Drill Down") by version.
  • List of items by category offering interactive drilling ("Drill Down") by version.
  • List of items by warehouse and list of items by category by warehouse offering interactive drilling ("Drill Down") by version.
  • List of items by supplier, with selection criteria based on supplier (distributor) part number, manufacturer code and manufacturer part number. These criteria enable more detailed searches if required.
  • Inventory valuation reports enable inventory to be valued at a specific date, which can be prior to the current date. This recursive accounting feature eliminates the constraints and limitations frequently encountered at year-end. Three presentation and analysis groupings are available: by warehouse, by item category and by transaction code. These reports feature an interactive "Drill Down" feature, which allows you to interactively consult the details of the summary value displayed for a more in-depth analysis of the information.
  • Several reports for analyzing inventory transactions from different angles: by date, by transaction code, by item, by item category, by warehouse, by stakeholder (customer/supplier), by document, by project, etc.
  • Periodic physical inventory support reports, structured by warehouse and location (BIN), if these inventories are carried out on paper and not using barcode scanners and direct integration with the central database.
  • Several comparative usage statistics reports "year, month, period": by item, by item category, by company, by stakeholder, etc. By combining the right criteria, we can answer many of the questions most commonly asked in inventory management: What items are we no longer selling, and should be disposed of quickly? What is the overall sales volume of a given item generated by a customer during the year? What is our overall purchasing volume or the volume of a given item from a supplier for the year, on average per month or for a specific period, etc.?

Sales orders and invoicing


  • Seamless, integrated management of business quotes and sales orders. The quote becomes a sales order simply by changing the status of the document after customer approval. Items on the order are then automatically reserved in inventory.
  • Sales order and invoicing of standard or special products, with the option of inserting a comment line.
  • Pricing configurator for defining pricing rules according to a combination of different criteria: item category, version, warehouse, customer territory, customer and project category. Pricing can be configured according to a quantity interval, a date interval and a particular day to facilitate management of special sales contexts: special promotion during a fixed period, automatic discount for customers in a particular category, volume discount, % discount on a given item category, etc.
  • Possibility of attaching external digital documents complementary to the sales order (e.g. plans, drawings, specifications, etc.) with integrated digital document viewer for immediate consultation and browsing of the list of attached documents. The viewer is also integrated into Windows® Explorer, so you can quickly open and edit an attached document in its native editor (e.g. MS-Word®, MS-Excel®, Adobe® PDF, etc.).
  • Option to quickly update historical order prices to the latest current prices.
  • Full integration with CTRL/Project for automatic WIP and revenue allocation by project. Fully supported project-based holdback management.
  • In the presence of CTRL/Project, the management of progress and customer deliverables according to progress is rigorously managed by command line.
  • The "Bill of Materials" functionality supports a "Sales Kit" mode, enabling the definition of an unlimited number of sales assemblies. This feature speeds up the creation of complex sales orders, by requiring only the "Kit" code to trigger order insertion and completion. Combined with the option of converting a sales order into a purchase order, the use of the "Sales Kit" concept makes it possible to manage "made-to-order" manufacturing. The function offers two modes: multiplication of "Kit" retail quantities according to the quantity of the main product entered, or without multiplication.
  • Communication language definable per sales order. The default language is initialized by the language of the customer file associated with the order. Document production for the customer then takes advantage of his communication preference.
  • Salesperson identification by sales order. In addition to being used for sales statistics, the "Salesperson" field can also be used to apply a specific work window configuration per salesperson via CTRL/Smigg. The sales rep then sees only his files.
  • Territory identification by sales order. Useful for territorial distribution statistics of potential and actual sales. Also facilitates reseller network management by allowing efforts to be directed to a given territory as required. Territory is a key piece of information when setting up a centralized sales management system for an international company. The work windows of each branch associated with a country can be optimized to present only their specific sales files.
  • Carrier identification by sales order. This function allows you to quickly consolidate the delivery of orders deliverable by carrier to the shipping dock.
  • Ability to specify delivery address and billing address per sales order. These addresses are initialized by default with the address of the customer linked to the order.
  • Delivery date can be defined per order line. This feature makes it possible to manage future deliveries with precision, and adds nuance to the suspense management analysis.
  • Standardized order forms (global) or customized by customer as required. Any customized form can be designed and adjusted via the CTRL/Smigg "Report and Form Generator" module.
  • Listing and analysis of pending sales orders, offering multiple selection criteria for analysis from different management angles.


  • Partial and progressive invoicing of orders, with rigorous tracking of backordered items (B.O.).
  • Invoicing and payment methods integrated into the billing process, allowing the user to select the applicable method (account, cash, cheque, visa, etc.) according to the customer's situation. A default mode can be defined in the CTRL/Finance customer file.
  • Over-the-counter billing functionality with the option of using barcode scanners to speed up the process. This function can be supported by the company's existing Retail Distribution component, while remaining fully integrated into a project management context if required. For example, a company offering both specialized professional services and the sale of spare parts for repair. The function is also fully integrated with sales orders, making it possible to create an order upstream and process it later from counter invoicing. This latter feature enables an order to be taken over the phone and invoiced when the customer visits the counter to take delivery.
  • Possibility of managing repeat invoicing via a definable frequency per sales order, with the flexibility of distinguishing a start amount, a repeat amount and an end amount (balance). The function can also be used to limit recurring invoicing to a given period. This feature makes it possible to manage "monthly rental" type invoicing, whether for equipment rentals or building rents.
  • Charge configurator for managing different charge cases within a single order. The configurator can be used to manage both product type and tax territory differences.
  • Invoicing summary window for adjusting accounting parameters such as invoice due date.
  • Invoices can be reproduced (reprinted) at any time.
  • Full integration with CTRL/Finance (sales journal, accounts receivable and cost of goods sold). The concept of "accounting distribution" enables you to operate transparently in both complex and very simple accounting contexts. The software operates from the individual to the global, with twelve potential criteria for defining the accounting assignment of a transaction.
  • Invoice forms can be standardized (global) or customized by customer as required. Any customized form can be designed and adjusted using CTRL/Smigg's Report and Form Generator module.
  • In the presence of CTRL/File, all native and stakeholder-related contacts are presented for e-mailing orders or invoices.

Purchase orders and requisitions


  • Definition of purchasing characteristics by supplier per item. No limit on the number of suppliers per product. This option enables you to manage coding equivalents between a product's internal coding and its external equivalents, reciprocal to each of the possible suppliers. These equivalents are directly exploited when creating purchase orders, in order to use the specific coding of the selected supplier. In the case of different suppliers for the same product, a "Priority" field identifies the supplier to be used first.
  • Definition of an economic purchasing quantity (raw materials) or manufacturing quantity (finished and semi-finished products) per item. This information is retrieved by the buyer or production manager to establish the optimum purchase or manufacturing quantity in terms of cost amortization, e.g., transport or associated with the complexity of the manufacturing process ("Setup / Release Time").
  • Management of purchase and receiving orders for standard or special products, with the option of inserting a comment line.
  • Communication language definable per purchase order. The default language is initialized by the language of the supplier file associated with the order.
  • Possibility of specifying a different purchase and delivery address for each purchase order.
  • Global delivery date per order, definable per order line if required. This feature makes it possible to manage future deliveries with precision, and also enhances the suspense management analysis.
  • Buyer identification per purchase order. If you have a team of several buyers, this "Buyer" field can be used to separate and distribute purchases by purchasing specialty, or simply to distribute the workload. This approach is implemented via a specific configuration of work windows for each buyer, using CTRL/Smigg. Each buyer then only sees the RFQs and purchase orders assigned to them.
  • Management of price requests to suppliers from the purchase order. The software enables you to send a request for quotation simultaneously to several targeted suppliers by e-mail from the same purchase order. Once the final supplier has been selected, the pending purchase order is adjusted and converted into a formal, active purchase order simply by modifying its status. The "On order" indicator for items on the purchase order is then increased.
  • Price configurator for defining purchase pricing rules according to a combination of different criteria: item category, version category, warehouse, customer territory, supplier category and project category. Pricing can be configured according to a quantity interval, a date interval and a particular day, to facilitate the management of special agreements with a given supplier. The configurator's interactive application enables the buyer to quickly issue a purchase order without having to worry about the prices to be entered, as these are automatically proposed by the software according to the selected supplier.
  • Blanket order management simplified and facilitated via the price configurator within a pre-negotiated price framework (e.g.: open order) with a supplier. A "Stakeholder Price Configurator" option directly at the header of the RFQ and purchase order enables you to consult the negotiated price agreement with a supplier at any time.
  • Possibility of attaching external digital documents complementary to the sales order (e.g. plans, drawings, specifications, etc.) with integrated digital document viewer for immediate consultation and browsing of the list of attached documents. The viewer is also integrated into Windows® Explorer, so you can quickly open and edit an attached document in its native editor (e.g. MS-Word®, MS-Excel®, Adobe® PDF, etc.).
  • Option to generate a purchase order directly from a sales order. This feature is very useful when the company operates by special order for each customer. Through automation, this option eliminates the need to manually create a purchase order identical to the sales order.
  • Charge Configurator for managing different charges within a single order. The configurator can be used to manage both product type and tax territory differences.
  • In the presence of CTRL/Project and project management, purchase order management validates the budgetary parameters of each project, notifying the creator of a purchase order if it exceeds the planned budget. Validation flexibility includes displaying a message only, blocking the order completely, and defining a tolerance percentage for possible overruns. In addition, this type of validation can be defined and specified by "Project-Activity-Extra".
  • When CTRL/Project is selected, the entire program is modulated according to the notion of project, and all available analyses can be carried out for a given project. For example, it is possible to find out about outstanding purchase orders (commitments) linked to a specific project.
  • Integration with CTRL/Project's "Purchasing and Subcontracting Tracking" module enables profitability to be analyzed by project, by integrating the project's open orders. Management of commitments and de-commitments is automatic and transparent, with full integration of CTRL/Product and CTRL/Project.
  • Analysis of items to be ordered. Produced and analyzed at any time, the software can suggest a list of items to order based on the net quantity available in inventory: In stock + On order - Reserved - Minimum Qty. This analysis also offers a recommendation based on the economic quantity of purchases.
  • A list of pending purchase orders offering several selection criteria for analysis from different management angles.
  • Basic forms (global) or customized by purchase order supplier. Possibility of different forms by type of purchasing document (RFQ, final order, etc.). Reprinting of purchase orders and receiving slips possible at any time. Any personal form can be designed using the CTRL/Smigg "Report and Form Generator" module.


  • Partial and progressive receipt of orders, with rigorous tracking of open items (O.I.).
  • Purchase receipt summary window allowing you to adjust certain accounting parameters, such as the purchase invoice due date. You can set whether or not financial information is displayed in the confirmation summary window.
  • Management of "Progressive" or "Final" deductions. Four possible configurations: "None", "Before tax", "After tax", "Distributed after tax" in project management contexts where there is a high volume of subcontracting. The holdback is then paid only on full receipt of the subcontractor's services and goods.
  • Final closing function for uncompleted orders. This option enables you to complete, i.e. close, an order when there are still quantities to be processed and outstanding. This option can operate in batch mode (list of orders) from a random selection of orders. Partial cancellation of an order is possible in two ways: either by entering a negative quantity and amount directly on a detail line, or by using the "Reverse processed quantity" option, which reverses a selected line.
  • Full integration with CTRL/Finance (purchase journal and accounts payable). The notion of accounting distribution enables you to operate transparently in both complex and very simple accounting contexts. The software operates from the individual to the global, with twelve potential criteria for defining the accounting assignment of a transaction.
  • CTRL/Finance's "Supplier Batch Payment" function integrates the notion of "Invoice in Approval". These are automatically excluded from the payment batch, but the visual indicator also enables administrative staff to follow up as necessary with the internal stakeholder linked to the purchase invoice, e.g. a project manager.
  • Possibility of managing purchase order and/or purchase invoice (supplier payment) approval processes by administrative or project manager (project manager). Combined with the flexibility and interactive, dynamic filtering capabilities of the CTRL/Smigg platform, each user involved in the management of a purchasing component can operate within a controlled framework. Example: Can only manage and intervene in projects for which he/she is responsible. Can only intervene on purchase orders of a given type. Can only view and intervene on purchase orders with a given status, etc. All this flexibility makes it possible to computerize any particular purchasing process in a single software solution.
  • Purchase orders and invoices can be managed entirely in the digital domain, thanks to a document viewer integrated into the CTRL/Smigg platform.
  • Integration with analysis reports and the CTRL/Project "Purchasing and subcontracting follow-up" module, where available. CTRL/Product dynamically feeds the notions of commitment and holdback into the project management context.
  • When CTRL/File is present, all native contacts linked to the stakeholder involved are presented for sending orders or invoices by e-mail.

Manufacturing and finished products


  • Management of finished and semi-finished products by multi-level bill of materials ("BOM") available on an item of this type. Minimum inventory level to be maintained and economic production quantity definable per finished and semi-finished product.
  • Production order management with exploded or non-exploded insertion of the bill of materials into the production order, with automatic multiplication of the bill of materials according to the quantity to be manufactured. Every active production order for a finished or semi-finished product automatically increases the order quantity of the item in question. Once production has been completed, the item's stock entry is reduced to its order quantity. The current production quantity of a finished or semi-finished product is therefore always known.
  • Possibility of attaching external digital documents complementary to the sales order (e.g. plans, drawings, specifications, etc.) with integrated digital document viewer for immediate consultation and browsing of the list of attached documents. The viewer is also integrated into Windows® Explorer, so you can quickly open and edit an attached document in its native editor (e.g. MS-Word®, MS-Excel®, Adobe® PDF, etc.).
  • Depending on the company's optimal manufacturing approach, the production planning process can be structured into the following stages:
  1. Analysis and release of manufacturing orders for finished products, which trigger the reservation (requirements) of first-level semi-finished products.
  2. Analysis and release of manufacturing orders for subsequent levels of semi-finished products, which also trigger the requisition (reservation) of required raw materials.
  3. Analysis and release of supplier purchase orders for additional raw materials.
  • Complete control by the production manager of the release and launch of the production order on the floor. By managing the status of the production order, the manager can set up a preparatory and approval stage for potential production orders with his team, and keep the final activation of the order under his responsibility. In this type of context, the filtering capabilities of CTRL/Smigg mean that each person involved can see and act only on production orders of a given status and/or under his or her responsibility. In this way, the production manager can be the only one to see and change the status of a production order from "To be approved" to "Active" (released), if necessary.
  • In context, and with CTRL/Project present, each production order can become a project for analyzing the cost of manufacturing a finished product (material and labor), thus meeting two frequent needs: detailed analysis of production costs and profitability of a made-to-order production (customer-specific), or launch of a pilot production order to validate the standard cost of a finished product in inventory on a periodic basis.
  • Unique identification (ID) per batch can be used in the form of a barcode, or QR code, for traceability purposes, and to speed up production start-up and putaway via barcode scanners on the factory floor (workstation) and in the warehouse.
  • Generation and association of a sequence of serial numbers for finished and semi-finished products entering inventory. The item uniqueness thus created is then exploited throughout the item's life cycle for various purposes: customer identification in the event of a product recall for a potentially dangerous aspect, return of merchandise (RMA) for repair, etc. This traceability feature is particularly relevant in a medical context, where the serial number acts as a "DIN" reference.
  • Simplified management of made-to-order requirements, thanks to an automated system that quickly transforms a detailed sales order into a requisition (reservation) of the finished and semi-finished products and raw materials required for manufacturing.
  • Analysis of finished and semi-finished products to be manufactured, i.e. below the recommended minimum inventory threshold.
  • List of current manufacturing orders and their production status.
  • Analysis of the cost price and profitability of make-to-order production.

Digital documents and special processes

  • The Document Management module supports the management of customized documents that complement the standard basic documents delivered with CTRL/Product: sales order, purchase order, requisition and production order. Any type of customized document created and managed with the module benefits from all the functional possibilities of standard documents.
  • Document coding of up to ten characters is available, with the additional possibility of defining a coding prefix by document type.
  • Document type configurator to define the transactional impact according to document type, as well as the interrelationships between several documents forming part of an operational chain of nested documents. A master document then generates a secondary document, and there is no limit to the number of documents in a chain. Combined with CTRL/Smigg's flexible interface customization, CTRL/Product can therefore support any special internal process, simple or complex.
  • Possibility of assigning one color per document type. This feature enhances the user's operational efficiency by enabling him to quickly identify each type of document in the various basic work windows (sales orders, purchase orders and general documents). This simplifies visual identification of priority documents for processing.
  • Possibility of attaching external digital documents complementary to the sales order (e.g. plans, drawings, specifications, etc.) with integrated digital document viewer for immediate consultation and navigation through the list of attached documents. The viewer is also integrated into Windows Explorer, so you can quickly open and edit an attached document in its native editor (e.g. MS-Word, MS-Excel, Adobe PDF, etc.).
  • Possibility of customizing several operational labels to make them specific to each type of document and thus better distinguish them.
  • Partial or complete cancellation of a document already processed. Two possible approaches: either enter and process a negative quantity and amount directly on a detail line, or use the " Reverse processed quantity " function, which reverses the entire processed quantity, either for the entire document or for a selected line.
  • Global or specific form by document type. For special documents, the CTRL/Smigg report generator is usually used to design PDF or printed forms specific to each type of document.
  • A list of pending documents offering multiple selection criteria for analysis from different management angles.

Open transactional and document architecture

  • Fully open transactional architecture enabling the creation and management of customized transaction codes and the configuration of their impact on inventory base accumulators, project management and accounting management.
  • Completely open digital document architecture enabling the creation and management of customized document types to complement the standard types delivered for sales, purchasing and manufacturing. The transactional impact of each document type can be configured, either at the time of its creation and processing, via the association of applicable transaction codes in the context of the process to be managed. This document flexibility means that any special internal process can be easily managed via CTRL/Product.
  • Possibility of attaching external digital documents to the sales order (e.g. plans, drawings, specifications, etc.) with integrated digital document viewer for immediate consultation and browsing of the list of attached documents. The viewer is also integrated into Windows® Explorer, so you can quickly open and edit an attached document in its native editor (e.g. MS-Word®, MS-Excel®, Adobe® PDF, etc.).
  • The software supports multi-currency management through automatic conversions between the different currencies involved in a transaction. The link with CTRL/Finance via the "Accounting Distribution" concept enables rigorous accounting management of "Provision on exchange rate" and "Gain or loss on exchange rate".
  • The software supports stable multi-unit management via a table of customizable unit codes, including the definition of all applicable inter-unit equivalences.
  • Recursive management of theoretical mathematical division by zero in the presence of transactions temporarily carrying a quantity of inventory below zero. A typical case is the physical reception of an item which is immediately sold without having respected the reception process upstream of the computer purchase order. The software offers parameters to block this type of transaction, as well as those that bring the available quantity below zero. Furthermore, to optimize operational flexibility while ensuring adequate management of average cost, recursive mechanisms are provided to ensure the integrity and quality of financial information. A fundamental component in the presence of CTRL/Finance and CTRL/Project.
  • Possibility of knowing at any time which user has carried out a particular transaction. This is an additional and complementary traceability function to that automatically performed by CTRL/Smigg via its audit trail function.
  • An advanced configurator for accounting distribution of transactions generated by the software, enabling global or very precise management of accounting entries, thanks to the flexibility of combining twelve dimensions, including: nature of operation, transaction code, currency, territory, division, warehouse, invoicing or payment method, item category, etc. This configurator is the cornerstone of interactive transactional integration with CTRL/Finance and CTRL/Project.
  • Fully supported "multi-company" and "inter-company" transaction management.
  • Full, dynamic accounting integration with CTRL/Finance (cost of goods sold and other). The flexibility of the "Accounting Distribution Configurator" approach makes it possible to operate transparently in both complex and simple accounting contexts.
  • Possibility of integrating specialized external applications (via API), for example, to retrieve transactions from a weighing system. Use of the standard CTRL API ensures that all the necessary validations are applied to guarantee the integrity and quality of the information integrated into the inventory at all times.

CTRL application platform

All CTRL software products benefit from the complementary functional capabilities of the powerful CTRL/Smigg platform, some of whose key features include:

  • Design of personalized work environments (window layout) per user, with the possibility of operating multiple screens with floating windows. A user-specific work approach to optimize productivity in the role.
  • Information and functional security management to meet the most stringent requirements for the protection of sensitive information.
  • Customization of any report via an integrated report generator.
  • API and Web interface available for integration with complementary external applications.



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