Professional ERP management software

Professional ERP management software

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Functional Characteristics


Project Management Web Portal

  • Management dashboard specific to each project manager for the analysis and management of projects under their specific responsibility.
  • Dynamic project profitability analysis by simple project selection: overall profitability, revenues, costs and profits by activity, and average selling hourly rate by activity.
  • Visual summary and list of projects under the project manager's responsibility.
  • Diary and personal schedule display.
  • Access to supervised team timesheets.
  • Management and editing of purchase orders and subcontracts on the project.
  • Visual summary of the number of outstanding purchase orders and invoices on a project.

Project Management and Project Costs


  • Project structure supporting four-dimensional coding: "project - activity - extra-equipment", configurable in terms of the use of each dimension. The chosen structure, defined by the manager, is then applied wherever transactional input is used, with assignment by project. The management of extras can be standardized with a table of extra codes as required.
  • Additional breakdown of costs into four cost categories as required: Wages, Materials, Subcontracting and Overheads. The wording and use of this additional breakdown can be customized to suit the company's needs.
  • A master project tree structure can be defined (parent project/child project), enabling management by phase, among other things.
  • Possibility of defining a master activity tree structure (mother activity/daughter activity). This allows you to support global cost and revenue analyses for a group of activities, while at the same time enabling further analysis at the level of a specific activity.


  • Senior and deputy project managers per project
  • Definition of a profitability corridor (minimum and maximum % profit) per project.
  • Actual and calculated project progress indicators based on invoiced revenues.
  • Management of the "Project Profile", which enables you to configure a set of rules for entering project information, in order to avoid as many data entry errors as possible. For example: Who (employee) can enter time or material on a project? What activity is valid on a project? Which activity is admissible on a project, but closed as completed? What equipment can be used on a project? What "extras" are authorized on a given project? etc. You can start from a budget structure defined directly, or imported from specialized software, to quickly create a project profile.
  • Full integration with CTRL/File to manage additional information and project communications (integrated CRM/XRM).
  • Archiving function for completed projects.


  • Detailed budget management by project using the "Project-Activity-Extra-Division-Cost Category" structure, with the option of further detailing by "Employee - Job Category - Job Class".
  • View the complete transaction history for the selected project at any time. Use the dynamic search capabilities of the CTRL/Smigg platform to quickly analyze or find the information you need.



  • Profitability analysis with drill-down capability on three levels ("Project", "Activity" or "Transaction"), enabling you to delegate more control over projects to different managers, while maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information such as salaries. ''Actual - Budget" comparison by cost category, with invoicing and work in progress. A one-page summary profitability option is also available for easy viewing and rapid communication with a third party if required.
  • Profitability analysis supporting management by exception by enabling the profitability analysis of all projects in progress to be configured according to a profitability corridor that can be applied globally to all projects analyzed, or as a corridor defined and applied by project specifically. Analysis by exception enables you to quickly prioritize short-term follow-up on projects in difficulty, with reference to their deviation from their planned profitability corridor. Profitability analysis by exception also makes it possible to combine actual and calculated progress as analysis criteria.
  • Periodic cost analysis (parallel view of period, year and cumulative). Analysis that exploits all the detail defined at project budgeting level to present a precise analysis.
  • Analysis of productivity, profit percentage and "Sales/Cost" mark-up, by employee and by project.
  • Cost analysis by project, project manager or customer, by activity with or without purchase order. Includes "Budget-Actual" variance analysis by cost category.
  • Analysis of timesheets as a control point with payroll.
  • Analysis of average rates (costing and selling) by division.


  • Cost centralization possible in multi-company and inter-company (consortium) contexts.
  • Automatic accounting entries with percentage breakdown by project in CTRL/Finance.
  • Accounting trail by project in CTRL/Finance general ledger transactions.
  • Management of receivables and payables by project or project manager with CTRL/Finance.
  • With the CTRL/Finance payroll module, interactive or manual assignment of project and W.I.P. costs via timesheets. Expense reports are also integrated as required.
  • Dynamic assignment of project costs via CTRL/Product or CTRL/Finance accounting journals.
  • Manual adjustment of cost transactions.

Timesheet and Expense Reports

  • Availability of the CTRL/File Employee Web portal for Web and mobile time entry per employee, or "Local" time entry on a conventional network.
  • Automatic or asynchronous (on confirmation) work-in-progress (WIP) updates to prepare professional invoices in a integrated process.
  • Integrated and complete payroll process via CTRL/Finance as required.

Work in Progress (WIP)


  • Definition of W.I.P. evaluation parameters via a "Billing" option in the "Project" file. Parameters can be defined for a master project, globally for a project or by activity as required.
  • Three W.I.P. evaluation methods: billable sales, Cost Plus and at cost.
  • Control of cumulative or periodic mode for sending W.I.P. accounting entries. Export of W.I.P. in various formats for external application (e.g. spreadsheet analysis).
  • Project manager access security.


  • Function for calculating and evaluating W.I.P. with the possibility of automatically cancelling W.I.P. at the time of calculation according to a specified "Cancellation start date".
  • Work-in-progress analysis report with two drilling levels (Activity-Transaction). The selection criteria available enable a global evaluation of W.I.P., by project manager or by project and for a specified period. The product's transactional structure enables evaluation at any desired analysis date (reconstitution of a W.I.P. value at a given date).
  • Evaluation of suggested W.I.P. adjustments according to cost progress (over- or under-invoicing).
  • Purge or reactivate W.I.P. transactions by project, project manager, activity, extra, equipment and division.
  • Analysis of W.I.P. cumulative or for a specified period, in summary or detailed form.
  • Analysis and list of suggested W.I.P. adjustments for a range of actual or calculated percentages of completion.
  • Analysis of W.I.P. by project-activity with multiple selections (project, master project, project manager, customer, activity, billing frequency).
  • Analysis of W.I.P. by project-job class with multiple selections (project, master project, project manager, customer, job class, billing frequency).
  • Analysis of historical W.I.P. adjustments by project by division with multiple selections (project, master project, project manager, customer, division).
  • W.I.P. analysis comparing theoretical billable amount based on selling rates and actual billable amount, which can be modulated by project-specific billing rules and parameters.


  • Full integration of periodic W.I.P. entries with CTRL/Finance W.I.P. accounting distribution by "Project-Activity-Extra-Equipment" as required.
  • Each W.I.P. transaction has its own vendor calculation date and accounting dispatch date.
  • Possibility of managing inter-division W.I.P. to support inter-division invoicing.

Monitoring purchases and engagements

  • The module complements the detailed management of purchase orders carried out via CTRL/Product by offering a rapid summary analysis by project.
  • Validation parameter and interactive budget overrun message when entering purchase orders in CTRL/Product.
  • Complete, dynamic management of denunciations, payment deductions and release letters, integrated with CTRL/Product and CTRL/Finance. Percentage and type of deduction (progressive or final) definable by purchase order, project and activity.
  • Quick entry of standard comments for additional description.
  • Three levels of purchase order tracking: initial, extra and total purchases.
  • Detailed on-screen tracking of purchase order balance, invoices received, deductions applied, payments made and balance to pay.
  • Dynamic integration of purchase orders with the CTRL/Finance purchase journal. Automated entry based on the purchase order involved.
  • Analysis of accounts payable by project manager and by project with CTRL/Finance.
  • Analysis of accounts payable by project manager and project with CTRL/Finance.
  • The project cost report includes purchase orders from the CTRL/Product software.

Professional Billing


  • Total invoicing budget (amount tendered) by project or by "Project-activity" for subsequent analysis of variances with actual invoicing.
  • Definition and configuration of standard billing rate tables. Configure billing rates according to a profile made up of several criteria: by project, by activity, by employee, by job category, by cost category and more.
  • Ability to define exception billing rates by project.
  • Billing Configurator to define global rate tables applicable by project, project category, activity, cost category, job class and more.
  • Billing rates can be configured by unit of hours worked, as well as by payroll type (weekly, hourly, etc.).
  • Project-based billing parameters that allow you to manage a percentage adjustment applicable to the standard hourly rates of a rate table applied to a project. The adjustment percentage becomes a "discount" when its value is negative, and a "mark-up" when its value is positive. Allocation of payment discounts by invoice or specifically to a project, activity, "extra", equipment or cost category.
  • Define global (standard) or customized invoice formats by project, even by customer, using the CTRL/Smigg report generator. Invoice printing in English or French, depending on the language defined in the customer file.
  • Analysis of average cost and selling rates by division.


  • Batch invoicing can be managed by project managers for their specific projects. Batches prepared and approved by project managers can then be transferred to the administrative department for final processing, and the CTRL/Smigg "Filter" function is used to implement secure access by project manager.
  • Billing batches display total hours, amounts and adjustments per batch. The billing batch also shows the start and end dates applied when transactions are included in the batch. The billing date is also displayed for information purposes.
  • Invoicing can simultaneously produce invoices (PDF format) and send them in batches by individual e-mail to each customer, all in a single, unified process. Thanks to structured document management via CTRL/File, the PDF invoice can also be automatically saved to the digital folder of each customer concerned.
  • Multiple invoice presentation formats using a combination of groupings by billing type, activity, job class and employee. A notion of "grouping code" associated with a presentation order also enables you to customize the presentation of your service invoice by customer as required.
  • Possibility of producing a summary invoice with no details, just a global amount. A complementary document of the detailed transactions invoiced can then be generated at the time of invoicing, and sent to the customer with the summary invoice.
  • The software supports progressive, cost-plus, lump-sum or hourly invoicing, as well as invoicing of deliverables.
  • The software supports recurring invoicing on a project-by-project basis (monthly, quarterly and on demand). This type of periodic billing can be defined by a minimum and a maximum billable amount.
  • Cumulative billing and last billing date retained by project or project-activity for reference purposes.
  • Invoice the transactions of a group of projects linked by a single master project, issuing a single invoice. Using this option, all transactions are grouped together and presented in the format defined in the master project file.
  • Billing functionalities can be extended to support interdivision and intercompany management concepts. The "Source Division", "Source Company" and "Destination Company" criteria are integrated into the generation of professional services billing batches for the generation of applicable interdivision and intercompany transactions.
  • Combined operation of CTRL/Product billing for complementary billing requirements. For example, for the delivery of quantifiable material goods that accompany your professional services.


  • Analysis of accounts receivable by project and project manager with CTRL/Finance.
  • Detailed listing of invoiced transactions (fees and disbursements).
  • Verification report of accounting entries before transfer to CTRL/Finance.

Equipment Management

  • Presumed billing and maintenance rates definable by equipment. The "Equipment" form also allows you to consult the cumulative use of a given piece of equipment. An "Equipment Category" field provides additional flexibility in the use of analysis reports.
  • Depending on the project profile, the "Extra" and "Equipment" fields are initialized on purchase orders in the project management web portal.
  • Breakdown of equipment costs into four expense categories.
  • Full integration with CTRL/File to set up a preventive maintenance system by equipment.
  • Analysis of maintenance costs, operating hours and profitability by equipment.

CTRL application platform

All CTRL software products benefit from the complementary functional capabilities of the powerful CTRL/Smigg platform. Here is some of its key features:

  • Design of personalized working environments (window layout) per user, with the possibility of operating multiple screens with floating windows. A user-specific work approach to optimize productivity in the role.
  • Information and functional security management to meet the most stringent requirements for the protection of sensitive information.
  • Customization of any report via an integrated report generator.
  • API and Web interface available for integration with complementary external applications.



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